
"Meditate for just 7 minutes a day with 150 contemporary guided meditations."

A modern approach to an age old tradition: Simple – soothing – suitable for all beginners
You immediately become deeply relaxed, enormously refreshed and can concentrate much better.

A modern approach to meditation – different from all other meditations:
No previous knowledge required – you can start immediately.
There are always 2 tracks for every level: a shorter one for beginners and a longer one for more advanced users.
The tracks have been created according to the latest meditation research.
You will hear a background of soothing binaural beats and within less than half a minute you will drop into a meditative alpha state.
It's so enjoyable and simple to use, pop on a pair of headphones and press start.
Absolutely no esoteric elements: You can do meditation anywhere – office chair, on the train, bus, aircraft, park bench.

Introduction to meditation:

Would you like to test a meditation?
Try out your first meditation immediately.
Put on your headphones, close your eyes and immerse yourself into this 5 minute guided meditation:

You will reach a meditative alpha state within 30 seconds on average:

You will hear soft background music while listening to your guided meditation.
The music consists of binaural beats (for more information, see Wikipedia article on Binaural Beats).
Their effect is enhanced by subtle breathing sounds and quiet heartbeats.
If you listen to this music while working, you can concentrate better and have less stress.
We have incorporated this music into the language course software (which we also publish) and have measured that users who are listening to it are learning 32% faster and stay in front of the PC 65% longer.
As a result, people learn twice as much as those who do not listen to this music while learning.

People who meditate have many advantages:

The subconscious has a much greater computing power than the conscious mind. Who meditates can solve problems much faster and more intuitively.

People who meditate regularly find it easier to introduce new habits and break old unhealthy ones. Those who meditate often make healthier lifestyle choices i.e. drink less alcohol and eat healthier food.

People who meditate regularly also live a longer life and suffer less illnesses including cancer and stroke. Other benefits include less migraines and lower cholesterol.

Even just a short meditation in the morning reduces stress throughout the day.

Meditators are more productive because they can concentrate better.

Meditation practice cultivates living in the present moment, with an attitude of acceptance. This experience brings with it more happiness and more joy in ones life.

People who are practicing meditation enjoy a better night sleep and can fall asleep more easily. They also require less sleep and can still feel refreshed after waking.


These topics are covered in the 31 meditations:

  • In the beginning you are led into the meditative alpha state. Through the binaural beats the brain reaches this state after 30 seconds on average. This is about three times more restful than sleep.
  • This is followed by a relaxation exercise. In this exercise your body is completely relaxed. This allows the body to better absorb oxygen and you become extremely calm.
  • You will get a shorter and a longer version, for meditation beginners and for more advanced students.
This is followed by the main meditation. In total you will receive 31 different guided meditations.
The following exercises are included in the meditation course:
  • Self-awareness meditation
    Increase your self-confidence within a few minutes.

  • Meditation to improve your nutrition and fitness level
    A meditation to engage in sport and develop better eating habits.

  • Get rid of bad habits
    With this method you improve your character.

  • Meditation to enhance your social life
    Create long lasting and meaningful social connections and experience more fun in life.

  • Good Mood Meditation
    Listen to this track and feel better instantly.

  • A conversation with your mentor
    Using your unconscious to have important conversations with people you value most in your life. Your subconscious will lead you to amazing insights.

  • Self development
    Explore subconsciously which character strengths you should improve.

  • Motivation meditation
    This will make those undesirable activities easier to do.

  • Experience more happiness in life
    This meditation helps to create awareness, acceptance and change and ultimately more joy in your life.

  • Floating meditation
    Ever dreamt you were flying? Experience the same feeling with this meditation.

  • The perfect way to plan your day
    Visualise what you can achieve in the next 24 hours with this exercise.

  • Power meditation
    Increase your self-confidence with this amazing power pose.

  • A meditation with intention – looking towards the future
    When you can visualise it, you are more likely to make it happen.

  • Problem solving meditation
    This meditation brings deeper self awareness and understanding. With a shift in perspective you will solve your own problems. With this exercise quite unusual and amazing problem solutions come to light.

  • Take control of your addiction
    With this meditation you can overcome an addiction.

  • Meditation to deepen relationships
    Tapping into your unconscious through meditation promotes emotional healing towards oneself and others, meaning better connection, deeper and warmer relationships.

  • Meditation and affirmations
    With practice this exercise will boost your self-confidence and help you feel better.

  • Meditation for life long learning
    Explore what you would like to learn.

  • Pain management – a natural pain killer
    This amazing exercise works like a painkiller without any side effects.

  • Meditation with intention: picture your life in 5 years
    Visualise what you can achieve in the next 5 years. Your unconscious comes up with amazing ideas.

  • Meditation for career planning
    Explore ways to improve your career.

  • The Question-Method-Meditation
    Find the answers to your most important questions by simply asking your unconscious.

  • A conversation with yourself as a 100 year old
    A conversation with your 100 year old self gives you an opportunity to re-evaluate your life and make the changes you would like to see.

  • Meditation to help manage finances
    A meditation for long term financial planning.

  • Mindfulness meditation
    Cultivate awareness for your body.

  • Get in touch with your perfect self
    Visualise what improvements you would like to see in yourself.

  • Bodyscan meditation
    Become more aware of your body and the sensations in it. Feel like you have never felt before.

  • Fire-breath meditation
    Start your day with an age old ritual for boosting energy.

  • Time travel meditation
    Focus on your future 7 years from now.

  • Chakra meditation
    Energise all seven chakras in your body.

  • Silent meditation
    When the guided meditations have been completed you will begin to cultivate a silent meditation with a focus on self awareness and acceptance.

Every day you will be presented with exactly the meditation that fits the previous series.
This meditation plan makes it very easy for you to follow.
But you can also access all the other meditations and do the one you like best.

Meditate in 9 different languages

You can access each meditation in 9 different languages.
This gives you even more variety and deepens your learning experience.
If you are already learning any of the languages, this is the perfect exercise for you.
Simply click on the individual flags to listen to the meditation in other languages:

Medytacja: Pewność siebie:
Meditazione – Credere in se stessi/autostima:
Meditacija samopouzdanja:
Διαλογισμός για αυτοπεποίθηση:
Méditation de la confiance en soi :
Meditación para la autoconfianza:
Meditation for your perfect self:
Meditação de auto-consciência:

The complete meditation package additionally includes:

13 true-to-life

The following meditations are also included. You will get a shorter and a longer version, for meditation beginners and for advanced students.

Find new business ideas for entrepreneurs:
With this meditation you explore new business areas and let your unconscious search for new sources of income.

Superhero meditation:
With this meditation you will become much more self-confident.

Falling asleep meditation:
With this exercise you will drift into a deep, restful sleep within minutes.

5-in-1 meditation:
Start the day in a powerful way with this 5 in 1 meditation sequence.

Fire-Breath without meditation:
If you only want to do a 3-minute fire-breath exercise without meditation, use this track.

Fire-Breath with 3 minutes silence:
This is the long version of the fire-breath. It will help you concentrate throughout the day.

Chakra meditation with Fire-Breath:
For advanced students who want an extra energy boost.

Silent meditation of 3, 5, 7, 10, 12 and 15 minutes duration:
After you are led into meditation, you can choose between 3, 5, 7, 10, 12 or 15 minutes of silent meditation.

19 meditations for children

There are two versions for each meditation: the first is suitable for children aged 6 and over, the second for children aged 10 and over.
All children's meditations begin with a guided tour of the meditation and a relaxation of the whole body. This is followed by a short visualisation exercise.
Children who meditate are more balanced and calm, can concentrate better and, according to research, are significantly better at school.

 Example: Visualisation "on the beach"
The following meditations are available for children:
  • Visualisations
  • Connectedness with the world
  • Gratitude
  • Forgive others
  • Improve your child's immune system
  • Good mood meditation
  • Improve your child's imagination
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Self-confidence meditation
  • Positive affirmation meditation
  • Body-scan meditation
  • Silent meditations
  • Good night's sleep meditation for children
  • 12 meditations to aid
    a restful night sleep

    It is not always easy to leave the stress of one day behind.
    Meditating before falling asleep relaxes body and soul and thus helps to find a state of inner peace.
    With these meditations you will fall asleep quickly and have a deep and restful sleep.
    Example of a meditation to fall asleep:
    The following sleep meditations are available in shorter and longer versions:
    Fall asleep...

  • 4 minutes
  • ...on the beach
  • the forest
  • the mountains
  • the ocean
  • ...with gratitude and daily planning
  • ...with perfect daily planning
  • ...with problem solving
  • ...and a conversation with your mentor
  • ...and your life in 5 years
  • ...and your perfect self
  • ...with time travel

  • Meditation music

    The meditation music is built to help you concentrate enormously. Listen to the meditation music while you are working to be able to work faster, more focused and achieve more. Listen to the music while you learn to concentrate better and remember everything faster.

    Select your course here:

    Basic meditation package:

    Online access to all 31 meditations.
    Each in two variations with shorter and longer duration.
    Access valid for 10 years.
    For Windows, Linux, Mac; iPad, iPhone; Android tablets, Android mobile phones.

    Complete meditation package:

    Online access to all 31 meditations.
    Plus 13 additional meditations.
    Plus 19 children's meditations.
    Plus 12 sleep meditations.
    Each in two variations with shorter and longer duration, a total of 150 meditation tracks.
    Plus meditation music.
    Access valid for 10 years.
    For Windows, Linux, Mac; iPad, iPhone; Android tablets, Android mobile phones.

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